Posts Tagged ‘Capital punishment’

Those are the sad animals commercials. Yeah yeah I know, I’m Satan for making fun of sad puppies.  But think about this: what about all the humans who endure the same treatment? Looking a little less like Satan yet? Since we believe that we are a superior life forms to others (well I don’t but most people do), where are those commercials? Why aren’t people getting up in arms about all that? Where’s the commercial for the teenager who gets shot because he joined a gang just to try and make money to get food? What about the baby whose parent just killed it? These things happen all the time? Yet go unnoticed by everyone until, of course, the news media has run out of ways to scare you.  Now let’s be clear, here.  I’m not hating on people who adopt, support or donate.  Unless you’re an advertising executive or a media worker, I got no beef with you.  I just find it to be ridiculously unfair and unjust to suffering people to give animals all this attention.  This could indicate two things. Option 1 is that animals are equal to humans.  This would mean the ideals applied to them should apply to us as well.  An example of this is the death penalty.  When dogs do bad things like kill a baby, we put down (the animal version of the death sentence).  With this logic, humans who kill babies should face the same fate (my opinion on the death penalty not included).  The other option aka option 2 would indicate animals are more important than humans which we decided was contrary to public opinion.  So in case all of that was too subtle, this pisses me off because it belittles the human lives lost everyday for the same reasons these animals are in danger and nobody me seems to give a fuck about that.  Also, they’re too fucking long.